Donation Methods
One off Donation via Bank Transfer or Cheque/Standing Order
If you wish to pay a one off payment or a regular standing order you can do this via your banking app/website or alternatively by filling out the standing order form and returning to the mosque. If you wish to donate via Cheque you need to make this payable to Ashton Central Mosque Charitable Trust.
To set up a standing order with your bank via the banking app/website you will need the following details;
Business Name: Ashton Central Mosque Charitable Trust
Bank details for Ashton Ce
Account Number: 0113 9304
Sort Code: 010039
Reference: <your name>
You can donate via SumUp-
Click Here
or scan the QR code

Just Giving
You can donate via Just Giving by clicking the button below and choosing the amount you want to donate
Other Methods
You can visit the mosque and use the kiosks in the atrium to make contactless card payments or donate in person via any of the management.
Donation Pledges
If you have an outstanding pledge for a donation, can we urge you to do your utmost to fulfil your pledge as soon as possible please. Thank You.