The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W ﷺ said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” – Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 604

Register now to join us at Ashton Central Mosque

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Days available
Please specify the specific hours you are available in the below box.
Please let us know if there is something specific you wish to volunteer for or if you have any ideas of activities we should start at ACM.
If you would be interested in volunteering for our Scouts group(s), please advise which age group you would like to be part of:
Please let us know of any skills you have that you feel could contribute to the mosque.
I give consent for Ashton Central Mosque to contact me for future events or volunteering opportunities via:
Are you happy to be added to the ACM Volunteer WhatsApp Group?

We rely on volunteers to serve our community, the below projects are a handful of projects we have started. We are open to ideas of any other projects we can initiate.
O Jummah Team
O Food Bank Work
O Clean Up Street Project
O Car Park Security For Events
O Mosque Security For Events
O Event Set Up Team
O Scouts
O Ramadan Team
O Disaster’s Appeal
O Adult Games Club
O IT/Social Media
O Cleaning of the Mosque O Ladies exercise classes