Wedding/Nikah Hire
Community Centre Booking
The Ashton Central Mosque has a dedicated community centre which boasts 3 projector screens of 25ft, a stage and round tables.
To book the community centre please download and complete the form and email it to the Trustees.
ACM Community Centre Booking Form
Nikah Booking
Family life is the foundation of a successful society, and marriage is an occasion of great joy prescribed by Allah. The management of the Ashton Central Mosque warmly welcomes and congratulates prospective couples who wish to marry in accordance with the Islamic Law. To book a Nikah please complete the Nikah Booking Form and read the guidance Notes. Once completed please hand in the Nikah booking form to the Imam or Trustees.
Nikah Booking Form & Guidance Notes
Please fill in this form and email it back to imam.gm@ashtoncentralmosque.com imam.mh@ashtoncentralmsoque.com